Greenbrier River Watershed Association, founded in 1990, is one of the oldest watershed associations in the state.
The mission of the GRWA is…
The Greenbrier River should be saved as a legacy. It is an essential part of our lives that enriches and inspires us. The watershed is a unique ecosystem with rich varieties of aquatic, riparian, and upland wildlife, tributaries, farmland, forest, people, and communities. Our purpose is to promote the maintenance, preservation, protection and restoration of the ecological integrity of the Greenbrier River and its watershed.
The Greenbrier River Watershed Association is a nonprofit organization that partners with other environmental nonprofits, government organizations, and like-minded groups to educate the public. Our goal is for citizens to appreciate the watershed’s unique resources. The association also works with local schools and civic groups to teach classes, organize field trips, and support similar organizations that protect the watershed.
GRWA depends on grants and public support to assist the public with issues such as, water quality, water quanity, protection of forests to alleviate pollution, prevention of substandard and/or illegal developments, using sinkholes and cave systems for trash disposal, leaking septic tanks, water sampling, straight piping, and wastewater treatment plant issues.
The watershed association also accomplishes public outreach through monthly email newsletters and their yearly newsletter known as the “Riffles”. Submissions from members and nonmembers are always welcome.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: In order for the Greenbrier Watershed to fully participate in solving watershed problems, we need volunteers who can learn the ropes and help us to advocate on important issues. If you have time and interest, we can train you.