Resource Library


Water Contamination

Safe drinking water is a critical component of human life, but pollution threatens many of our water supplies. Agriculture is one of the key causes of water pollution. Industrial activities, overflowing sewers and naturally occurring substances can also contaminate our drinking water. Knowing the signs of water contamination will help you take actions that will keep you and your family safe.

Click HERE for more information and tips on what to do if you suspect your water has been contaminated. 

From the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) newsletter The Weekly Wrap

EPA and USGS Release Report on Aquatic Life and Hydrologic Alteration – EPA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) released a report providing scientific and technical information related to protection of aquatic life from effects of hydrologic alteration. This non-regulatory report presents a literature review of natural flow and a description of the potential effects of flow alteration on aquatic life, as well as examples of water quality criteria that some states have developed to support natural flow and maintain healthy aquatic life. The report also describes a flexible technical and scientific framework that state water managers can consider if they are interested in developing narrative or numeric targets for flow that are protective of aquatic life.

 SWC Launches Nutrient Reduction Success Resources – This week, the Source Water Collaborative launched a series of resources around the theme of nutrient reduction successes, including blogposts from EPA and ASDWA, an interactive Story Map highlighting nutrient reduction successes nationwide, links to resources such as the SWC’s Agricultural Collaboration Toolkit, and SWC’s recent webinar on messaging source water protection in agricultural communities.

 EnviroAtlas Webinar – On Thursday, December 15, the Water Quality Trading Workgroup held a webinar on EnviroAtlas, an EPA tool that provides interactive resources for exploring the benefits people receive from nature or “ecosystem goods and services” (EGS). EPA Project Lead, Anne Neale provided a detailed explanation and walk through on the tool. To view EnviroAtlas and to learn more, go here.


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