“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”
Mahatma Gandhi
The youth of the Greenbrier River Watershed region are essential to the maintenance and preservation of this beautiful area. Through our educational programs, children from middle school all the way through college have the opportunity to acquire hands-on experience with water quality and watershed protection through service learning.
Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Education through service learning techniques is a major component of Greenbrier River Watershed Association’s mission. We are passionate about our watershed and believe that if we wish to continue our work, we must educate our youth about the problems the watershed currently faces. If we can accomplish that task and encourage our youth to actively participate in watershed protection activities, then the Greenbrier River Watershed’s future will be left in great hands.
Service learning is a incredible way to give back to your community and learn a little about the Greenbrier River Watershed in the meantime. If you have any ideas for projects, or would simply like to volunteer, please call our office at (304)-647-4792 or email us at greenbrierwatershed@yahoo.com.