West Virginia Legislative Contacts:

Senate Roster
House Roster

Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition   Our primary focus is the approximately 120-mile segment of the proposed pipeline route from the Tygart River in Randolph County, West Virginia to the James River in Nelson County, Virginia.

West Virginia Rivers Coalition is the statewide voice for water-based recreation and clean, drinkable, swimmable, and fishable rivers and streams from the headwaters to wherever water flows in West Virginia.

Appalachian Mountain Advocates is a non-profit law and policy center dedicated to fighting for clean water and a clean energy future.

Appalachian Trail Conservancy  strives to create an ever-expanding community of doers and dreamers, and work to ensure that tomorrow’s generations will experience the same mesmerizing beauty we behold today.

Allegheny Blue Ridge Alliance(ABRA) is a coalition of organizations concerned about the natural gas pipeline that Dominion Resources and its partner companies have proposed to build through portions of West Virginia and Virginia. 

Protect our Water, Heritage, Rights (POWHR) is an umbrella organization for groups of activists from counties primarily but not exclusively along the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline corridor (FERC Docket CP16-10).

Get Intervenor Status
FERC is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.  Individuals have the option to intervene in Commission proceedings. Intervenors become participants in a proceeding and have the right to request rehearing of Commission orders and seek relief of final agency actions in the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal.

For more details visit the website.

FERC Contact

Kimberly Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20426