Mercedes Walters, Sarah Hodder, and Katie Thompson began running and cycling April 25th along sections of the Mountain Valley pipeline construction path. They are set to finish on May 4 at Chathem, Virginia. You can follow the run’s progress at or at Preserve Monroe
Our thanks to Maury Johnson for the following pictorial.
Crossing into Virginia The runners finished West Virginia on a high note, and cruised through a brutal day to the top of Brush Mountain to meet a proper welcome party and ran down the Right of Way together. Follow along below. Legendary West Virginian Ashby Berkley refuels the runners in Pence Springs. Photo by Matthew Pickett MVP Protest Runner Katie Thompson receives a generous donation and a warm Monroe County welcome from Don Earley. Photo by Matthew Pickett. MVP Protest Runner Sarah Hodder heads down the hill to the Monroe County, WV welcome committee. Photo by Matthew Pickett MVP Protest Runner Katie Thompson is all smiles through the gorgeous Hans Creek Valley. Photo by Matthew Pickett The MVP Protest Runners pause for a photo as they officially finish up their West Virginia stretches of the run. Photo by Matthew Pickett MVP Protest Runner Mercedes Walters heads up Peters Mountain to the Appalachian Trail at the crack of dawn. Photo by Maury Johnson Dawn near the Appalachian Trail. Photo by Maury Johnson Community members took stretches of the MVP Protest Run on Saturday morning in Virginia to share the load and walk/hike/run in solidarity. Photo by Emily Satterwhite. Elle De La Cancela from Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Grace Tuttle from POWHR and Joshua Vana from ARTivism Virginia took some miles from the top of Paris Mountain. Photo by Irene Leech Tina Badger brought out the goats of the resistance which lifted everyones’ spirits. Photo by Irene Leech The volunteer runners head by the MVP crossing on Fort Lewis Mountain. Photo by Irene Leech. Cyclists also volunteered to take a stretch near Blacksburg. Photo by Irene Leech Preserve Montgomery County shirts sway in the wind as a beacon to the MVP Protest Runner heading up Brush Mountain. Photo by POWHR Katie Thompson and Sarah Hodder chat with impacted landowner Del Dyer about the MVP. Photo by POWHR Preserve Montgomery County’s Elizabeth Struthers Malbon outfitted the runners with t shirts. Photo by POWHR The runners get to refuel and meet supporters and members of Preserve Montgomery County VA before hitting the MVP Right of Way. Photo by POWHR Water flags from Monroe County adorn Mercedes Walters’ bike in Virginia. Photo by Mercedes Walters The MVP Protest Runners take their first stretch on the Right of Way together off Brush Mountain. Photo by POWHR The MVP Protest Runners pause to process the destruction and the scale of the pipeline. Photo by Mercedes Walters After an incredibly long day, the runners provided hope to the community as they ran together through the destruction. Photo by POWHR Thank you to the MVP Protest Runners for the joy and hope you are bringing to this fight. Photo by Emily Satterwhite. The MVP Protest Runners have met their goal of $10,000 and are fast approaching $11,000 with donations from the road. Let’s get them to $15,000. Thank you to all those supporting! Donate to the MVP Protest Run Visit the MVP Protest Run Website Copyright © 2021 Protect Our Water Heritage Rights, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: Protect Our Water Heritage RightsPO Box 809Pembroke, VA 24136-9998Add us to your address book
— Leslee McCarty