Category: News

Appalachian Gas Working Group

Greenbrier Watershed was represented at the recent Appalachian Gas Working Group meeting. Get ready for actions you can take to protect our watershed from fracked gas infrastructure! WV Rivers spent last weekend with the Appalachian...

Pipeline impacts on AT raise concerns

Duncan Adams. The Roanoke Times  January 27, 2017 PETERS MOUNTAIN — The winds blew cold Thursday across the Symms Gap Meadow where the Appalachian Trail traverses the crest of Peters Mountain near Pearisburg. And chilly...

It only took one day

It only took one day Chris Wood  January 5, 2017 Trout Unlimited Twenty-four hours. That is how long it took for the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a resolution to make it easier to...

Opponents fail to sway Buckingham supervisors

Opponents fail to sway Buckingham supervisors on controversial pipeline compressor station Robert Zullo  January 6, 2017 Photo: Daniel Sangjib MIN/TIMES-DISPATCH A controversial compressor station needed for the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project won quick approval...

US Court upholds mountaintop removal pollution ruling

US Court upholds mountaintop removal pollution ruling Ken Ward, Jr.  January 4, 2017 A federal judge in West Virginia was correct in ruling that coal operators in the state must comply with water quality standards...

Landslides and the ACP

December 28, 2016 Two reports have been submitted to FERC that substantiate the dramatically increased probability of landslides following the extensive excavation associated with construction of the proposed ACP and related access roads. The Proposed...

Final EPA Report: Fracking threatens drinking water

Final EPA Report: Fracking threatens drinking water – we just don’t know how much December 13, 2016 After years of researching the environmental effects of horizontal gas drilling, including the controversial practice called “fracking”, the...

Anthony Boat Launch to Receive Facelift

Anthony Boat Launch to Receive Facelift December 7, 2016 Improvement to public recreation access on the Greenbrier River will be getting better thanks to funding provided through a Recreational Trails Grant.  On Tuesday, November 29,...

Victory! Bad Water Quality Rule Withdrawn

Victory! Bad Water Quality Rule Withdrawn December 3, 2016 by Ken Ward Jr. Late last week, the state Department of Environmental Protection withdrew its proposal for several modifications of state water quality standards, after the...